
Taylor Short — Veterinary Nurse

Chesapeake, Virginia

One example that comes to mind is when she was caring for a retired Old Guard horse that was now in a veteran equestrian program. She spent the nights sleeping in the barn and all day caring for the horse. Even when veterinarians were conceding, she refused to give up on this American hero. After a couple weeks of care and sleepless nights, the horse was strong enough and went back to work as a veteran therapeutic horse.

She has stepped away from her own life and gone to pacific islands as well as South America. There she spent months teaching basic veterinarian skills to the locals to help care for their animals as well as performing surgeries in the field to save animals’ lives. Each time she takes more suit cases with treats and toys to share with the local kids and their animals than she does of her own conveniences.

While working in a local animal ER close to the military base, she is frequently requested by name when a service member brings in their working dog. She is known for going above and beyond to make sure the patient is given the best possible care and shown respect.
She constantly shows her compassion for the animals. And now, she has two additional dogs in the family to show for it. One, a dachshund that was paralyzed, she took home to give a quality of life to. After amazing rehabilitation, she is running and playing as she should. The other is a bull dog that was terminal and stopped eating. She now too is full of life and is healthy.
